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Generative AI – The Rise of Automation

The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies such as machine learning and robotics into the digital ecosystem is a fact that will disrupt traditional employment roles and processes as well as designing bots to mimic human tasks. In other words, they are machines that can do things in exactly the same way as humans with great speed. From self-driving cars to generative AI tools like Google’s Gemini and chat GPT, AI is becoming a more pervasive part of everyday life. It creates algorithms and systems in which information enables them to learn, reason and make judgments. This is an interesting area of research with applications in banking, healthcare among others transport services. Every industry using technology has become absolutely dependent on it from labour market to health system or education.

The New Dawn of AI Era

AI’s Growth and Automation: 

During the recent years, artificial intelligence, made up of robotics, natural language processing and machine learning has developed significantly. There is an increasing pervasiveness of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in various industries augmenting human capabilities and transforming processes. For instance, chatbots and virtual assistants as well as self-driving cars and smart manufacturing are some cases in point. The power of AI to automate tasks, analyse huge data sets and generate useful insights thereby increasing efficiency and creativity across sectors forms the basis for its transformative potential.

According to McKinsey research, AI technologies could potentially have a global economic impact ranging from 13 trillion to 22 trillion USD by 2030. Moreover, this influence is substantial not only for the economy but also for changing labour itself. This unprecedented speed at which routine chores are being automated.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can offer companies all over the world revolutionary enhancements in automation and technology like never before. Every year within the era of artificial intelligence comes with dramatic changes in the employment landscape where some jobs disappear while others evolve or even emerge anew.

According to the World Economic Forum, machines are likely to perform more tasks than people by 2025. Human beings currently carry out 71% of labour will lose 89 million jobs by 2027. It has been looked at how far AI could affect 19,000 unique jobs in about 900 careers. The findings were quite obvious: AI was least likely to disturb positions that involved much interpersonal contact and non-routine physical muscle work. Other recent estimates from McKinsey and the Bureau of Labour Statistics have shown similar findings.
According to Bernard Marr & Co., a revolution in intelligence and society will inevitably affect the legal system as well as political, legal and economic spheres, which we must plan for and discuss. Some experts claim that AI can make a positive impact on the present-day society, as well as in future societies through various ways such as increased productivity improved healthcare provision enhanced educational opportunities among others. According to Forbes, there would be innumerable applications for artificial intelligence in future that would simplify our lives.

Even as an emerging discipline the impact of artificial intelligence cannot be underestimated as demonstrated by ChatGPT, Gemini with other AI. While AI will hasten the loss of employment and make it harder for people without computer skills to stay up. The AI tsunami will affect about 1 billion knowledge workers worldwide and utterly upend hundreds of millions of white-collar jobs. There will also be a 14 million position reduction.

AI Puts Conventional Employments at High Risk of Replacement: 

Recognizing Artificial Intelligence and Automation:

It’s critical to comprehend automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in the quickly changing technological environment of today. The practice of assigning work to computers or software to minimise the need for human interaction is known as automation.

In a similar vein, artificial intelligence (AI) deals with building smart computers that can carry out jobs that normally call for human intelligence. These technologies stimulate creativity in a variety of industries, improve productivity, and simplify procedures.

A fundamental comprehension of these technologies’ concepts and operations is necessary to fully embrace them, opening the door to a future in which intelligent automation will enhance human potential.

Impact on Traditional Job Roles:

1 Jobs in Danger Due to Automation:

One of the main concerns of AI is that automation will lead to job losses. The progress in AI technology has raised worries about many traditional jobs becoming redundant. This is because certain types of regular and monotonous work can be taken up by machines, thereby making some conventional occupations irrelevant. Manufacturing, transportation and customer service industries are witnessing a gradual shift towards automated systems that require less human effort.

2-White-collar Professions:

AI-powered software systems performing tasks like data processing and analysis have surpassed humans in areas such as financial analysis, legal paperwork, administrative work and others.

3-Blue-collar Jobs:

At the same time, blue collar jobs in areas such as logistics, agriculture, and construction among other sectors are changing because of automation driven changes in production processes and logistic operations that involves robots and automated technologies.

By 2030, which occupations may AI disrupt?

Possibilities and challenges coexist. There is something that every new innovation in technology affects. For instance, the introduction of cellular phones led to increased use of landlines. When online booking systems were introduced ticket keepers lost their jobs. The introduction of automated teller machines meant job cuts for bank transaction clerks. Each has its pros and cons too. In this way, as AI advances rapidly it becomes limitless in terms of harm on employment sector it will occasion. This means that the long-term implications of AI are significant. It is simply job loss that we should be worried about because of AI motion. These include the following jobs which are most likely to be affected by the huge AI revolution:
To prepare for tomorrow’s world, we must understand Jobs at risk of automation such as data entry, manufacturing line labour, customer support among other jobs involving predictable and repetitive actions. Therefore some day these positions may disappear and be replaced with AI systems. Advanced artificial intelligence systems have been installed in highly advanced robots doing work in modern assembly lines where human beings used to perform them. They are highly accurate thus possess high degree of reliability posing a major threat to people’s lives. The decline of physical labour will be a result of progress in AI technology that is anticipated to lead to job losses and reorganization for all enterprises depending on technology.
People who don’t ride waves but go against them, may stand a lesser chance of finding good-paying jobs during this period. With the use of AI, new jobs would also emerge while some will be replaced by such technologies!

The Job Sectors at Peril:

While artificial intelligence (AI) is capable of enhancing productivity and driving economic growth, Falun Desai opines that “the essence of artificial intelligence is replacing human decision-making with increasingly sophisticated technologies.” There are various occupations that robots will take over with time. Any repetitive tasks are particularly vulnerable to automation through AI. The following industries will lose most jobs by 2030:

1. Education:

In an era of augmented intelligence, AI can revolutionize education through smart tutoring systems that automate grading as well as personalized learning. Fundamentally, an Ai can ask student’s questions for clarification, suggest next steps based on students’ responses and develop tailored courses…

  1. Finance:

In roles such as merchant banking, internal auditing, and risk management. The new advanced AI algorithms that are capable of analysing complex financial data have the capacity to displace traditional players in the form of insurance underwriters, loan officers and financial analysts among others. Despite being useful in giving forecasts and insights, these machines are not self-sufficient hence they still need some human attributes like relationship management skills, strategic planning abilities and regulatory compliance awareness. In order to remain relevant within a rapidly changing digital ecosystem where both industry and technology keep evolving, financial professionals need to adapt themselves to these tools.

    3. Industrial and Production:

AI-driven automation is expected to disrupt normal industrial tasks such as assembly line work or regular production processes soonest. AI-enabled advanced robots can complete these jobs faster, more productive, more accurate, and more consistent than human labour which reduces the need for manual labour in production facilities.

•Routine tasks in manufacturing and assembly lines:

Al will greatly affect automation and reduced human labour that require repetitive work cycles regularly. It is evident that there has been a major impact due to AI on assembly line operations as well as industrial routine activities.AI has made it possible for robots and other machines to carry out repetitive jobs more accurately and effectively, lowering the need for human intervention Besides boosting productivity, this automation also results in better quality of the end product.

  1. Customer Service and Call Centre jobs:

Chatbots powered by AI, virtual assistants as well as automated systems for customer support have redefined how businesses communicate with their customers. Artificial Intelligence systems will be able to handle routine questions, basic troubleshooting chores, and support requests 24/7 thus limiting the need for human customer service representatives. Gartner predicts that by 2027 chatbots will become the main customer service channel for about 25% of businesses.

The need for human agents in customer service may decrease as artificial intelligence (AI) technologies advance, even while human agents are still necessary for subtle or sensitive matters and customised interactions that call for empathy and understanding…

  1. Administrative and Clerical Works:

Automating routine management tasks, paperwork processing, and data input across the industry. Bots can quickly extract, analyse, and process data from documents, also spot patterns or trends that people would overlook,

AI has made data entry, bookkeeping and other clerical tasks that were performed manually by humans redundant.

Human Resource Management: AI technology is used for different functions within HR including employee engagement, talent acquisition and candidate screening. The AI has the ability to manage staff questionnaires, answer inquiries about HR issues and give information on career progression.

      6. Retail and Purchase:

The explosion of e-commerce trends led to the use of self-service automation and technology that are changing the way customers interact with brands when making purchases. Traditional cashier and order-taking positions in stores or eateries are being replaced by automated checkout infrastructure, self-service terminals, as well as smartphone ordering applications. However, customer-facing work is becoming more specialized with positions focusing on interpersonal skills and creative problem solving; even though human contact is needed for personalized service delivery through individual connections that build up loyalty.

  1. Mobility and Logistics:

The supply side undergoes significant transformations due to AI technologies in navigation and decision-making which reduce the need for manual control over inventory management and distribution. Emerging autonomous drones, vehicles and AI-powered logistics systems are causing transportation operators, navigators, drivers and workers to be displaced. Among the jobs at risk of being replaced by self-driving AI technologies include delivery drivers, warehouse workers, truckers as well as taxi and courier drivers…

  1. Routine medical chores:

It is possible to automatically carry out simple diagnostic procedures such as regular medical check-ups on patients. Regular healthcare tasks have been transformed by AI today. It uses smart software programs for activities like appointment scheduling, basic health advice or answering frequently asked questions about wellbeing. AI can even evaluate medical data including X-rays and lab test outcomes so as to help doctors decide among various treatment options. You can also wear incredible biological gadgets which are connected with your intelligent phone hence can monitor your health; in case of an emergency it will send you a distress call. However human touch will always be needed for complex diagnoses and comforting patients emotionally

  1. Proof-reading and content creation:

There are a plethora of AI-based technologies available which scan millions of web pages in a matter of seconds when a human writer would take hours. Making it simple to

Compose blog posts, product descriptions, taglines or advertising copy yourself using Microsoft Word’s built-in spell checker through extra proofreading software. Because AI provides automated tools that can rapidly and reliably check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation problems, it has modified the proofreading industry. Even if AI is capable of identifying many mistakes, human proof-readers are still vital to maintaining the overall calibre and readability of the text. AI may find it difficult to completely comprehend the context, style, and tone that human proof-readers bring to the table. Therefore, even if AI has improved proofreading, human intervention in this subject is still necessary.


To Prevent AI From Taking Over Jobs and minimize the negative impact of AI on employment;

Prioritising worker reskilling and upskilling in addition to promoting culture of lifelong learning is essential. This will provide people with the tools they need to prosper in the AI era and assist them in adjusting to the shifting nature of the labour market. Governments, academic institutions, and corporations may all contribute to the creation of laws and initiatives that help individuals whose employment may be in jeopardy and foster lifelong learning

  • Shortly, human jobs will be seriously threatened by the continuing artificial intelligence (AI) revolution.
    The report predicts, that:
  • AI will displace labour-intensive jobs such as data collection and repetitive tasks that can be automated.•To some degree, low-wage workers are expected to suffer more since they have 14 times higher likelihood of having to abandon their current jobs before 2030.As we approach the AI revolution, it should be noted that technology may both empower and unsettle work in the future. The revolution in AI raises concerns about job losses and economic injustice but also promises a new era of productivity and creativity. An understanding of which jobs are likely to be automated away or where particular skills are currently in decline might help workers prepare for an increasingly fluid labour market in the future.Other people can equip themselves for success during this era of AI by adopting lifelong learning principles, adapting to new technology and acquiring skills only possible for humans. Let’s take advantage of what the AI revolution holds as we go through these transition periods toward a time when technology would complement rather than substitute human labour. In effecting this paradigm shift, we need to deal appropriately with the consequences of AI on various industries; and human-AI cooperation should be based on these consequences. We can envisage a future in which humans and their artificial intelligence partner work together to promote prosperity and advancement by emphasizing skill acquisition, prioritize ethical AI design, generate new jobs.
    To make society better as a whole, ultimately society has to adapt, grow and exploit the revolutionary potential of AI. For instance; let us always take advantage of any chance that is brought about by artificial intelligence (AI). This will surely take us to the world where people are working with robots side by side or even seamlessly.

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